€19.95 €21.50
Nutrof® Total is Europe’s No 1 Eye Health supplement*. A premium comprehensive formula that has been specially developed to help you make sure your eyes have the correct nutritional intake and help you maintain healthy eyes and vision.

30 capsules


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Europe’s No 1 Eye Health supplement*
The total synergistic for­mu­la for eye health and vision
Just one, easy-to- swal­low cap­sule per day
Each capsule contains 100% NRV daily intake of Vitamin D
The Fish Oil in Nutrof® Total is of the high­est grade, con­tain­ing 231mg of pure Omega‑3
Opaque cap­sules in blis­ter pack­ag­ing – pro­vid­ing max­i­mum pro­tec­tion from oxi­da­tion for the fish oil
Contains Lutein and Zeax­an­thin two pig­ments (carotenoids) essen­tial for pro­tect­ing the reti­na from oxida­tive stress and signs of aging.
Includes Resver­a­trol a com­pound pro­duced by plants, par­tic­u­lar­ly vines, but also found in berries and nuts. It has pow­er­ful anti-inflam­ma­to­ry and antiox­i­dant effects, and has been shown to pro­tect reti­nal cells from oxida­tive stress
Vit­a­mins E and C, Zinc and Cop­per con­tribute to the pro­tec­tion of cell con­stituents from oxida­tive damage
Sele­ni­um is a key antiox­i­dant and sup­ports the action of Vit­a­min E and Zinc
Zinc con­tributes to the main­te­nance of nor­mal vision

Nutrof® Total is devised and man­u­fac­tured in accor­dance with the ISO 9001 qual­i­ty man­age­ment system.

Nutrof® Total is a dietary sup­ple­ment and can­not replace a bal­anced and var­ied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

*IQVIA € Sales - MAT and Units Sales - MAT by Product Details by Product Details by Country Hierarchy by Product Details by December 2020 Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.
Take 1 capsule a day during a meal with a small amount of water.
Antioxidants, such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C and other important nutrients, have been shown to have a positive effect on eye health and reducing certain eye conditions. For instance, Omega – 3 essential fatty acids can help to alleviate symptoms of Dry Eye syndrome. Certain vitamins and minerals have also been shown to be essential for good vision.

Find out more about eye nutrition.

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Also, please keep all packaging materials from the shipment. Should any item be faulty please contact us as described below so that we can provide a replacement item once the original item is returned.

If it is necessary to return items for any of the above reasons, please send us an email to and note your name, order number and item details before returning the parcel.

Goods returned must be posted to:
Théa Pharma Ltd.,
Golden Mile Industrial Park,
Breaffy Rd.,
Castlebar, Co. Mayo,

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